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What is the best alternative to Semrush

The Top Alternatives to Semrush

Looking for an alternative to Semrush that can match its robust set of SEO and marketing tools?

As one of the top SEO and content platforms, Semrush sets a high standard that can be difficult to match.

However, for budget-conscious website owners or those with different needs, several viable Semrush alternatives exist that may better suit your goals.

Keep reading to learn more about the best alternative to Semrush tools available now.


When evaluating alternatives to Semrush, Ahrefs is likely the closest match and top competitor. While Ahrefs boasts a strong link analysis toolset, its keyword research and rank-tracking capabilities fall slightly short of Semrush’s offerings.

However, Ahrefs provides detailed content gap analysis and benchmarking to shape strategic content creation, making it an ideal alternative to Semrush for companies focused on content marketing.


Another functional alternative to Semrush is Moz, long considered an authority in SEO software. Moz offers a robust link analysis and page optimization toolkit rivaling Semrush, augmented by powerful rank tracking and site crawl features.

Though Moz’s keyword research isn’t as comprehensive, it is more suitable for those less focused on keyword targeting and volume estimates. The company also provides exceptional beginner SEO training.


Businesses wanting an all-in-one marketing suite may prefer SendinBlue as an alternative to Semrush, with additional integrated CRM, email marketing, retargeting, and SMS texting tools.

For fledgling agencies and internal marketing teams, SendinBlue packs a versatile feature set into an affordable package. However, SendinBlue’s SEO offerings aren’t as polished as dedicated software alternatives to Semrush.


Site owners operating on a tight budget will want to consider Ubersuggest by Neil Patel as an alternative to Semrush, offered completely free without any subscription fees.

Ubersuggest provides extensive keyword research and tracking data alongside competitor analysis. Though companies with advanced needs may desire a paid alternative to Semrush, the free Ubersuggest works beautifully for early-stage websites.


ClickCease is an innovative Semrush alternative specializing in protecting website owners against various threats like ad fraud, spam bots, and fake leads. Alongside threat detection and ad verification capabilities, ClickCease also enables in-depth traffic analytics ideal for PPC tracking.

For site owners combatting dishonest lead generation or click fraud, it’s an essential alternative to Semrush.

SERP Robot

As a lower-cost alternative to Semrush focused specifically on rank tracking, SERP Robot fills an important niche for site owners on a budget. Though it lacks Semrush’s breadth of SEO and marketing resources, SERP Robot competently tracks website rankings across search engines for targeted keyword phrases each month.

Paired with other tools, it presents a stripped-down yet affordable alternative to Semrush.

SEO Review Tools

Another specialist tool for site owners to consider as an alternative to Semrush is SEO Review Tools focusing solely on advanced technical audits. Using SEO Review Tools, webmasters can run in-depth technical SEO checks revealing configuration issues harming performance.

However, business owners looking for an all-in-one alternative to Semrush may find it too limited.

Monitor Backlinks

Monitor Backlinks presents a scaled-back alternative to Semrush covering competitive backlink analysis, rank tracking, and site auditing essentials. Like other niche alternatives to Semrush, it similarly lacks robust keyword tools which likely makes this platform better suited as a secondary solution.

Yet the actionable data helps organizations improve SEO visibility at a palatable price point.


For e-commerce brands struggling to leverage product data, Trusona offers product SEO optimization helping enhance online product findability. Alongside structured data enhancement, Trusona integrates with e-commerce platforms to optimize on-page elements like title tags, meta descriptions, and URLs.

As an industry-specific alternative, it caters brilliantly to e-commerce sites selling physical products seeking an alternative to Semrush.

For an all-in-one alternative to rival Semrush’s capabilities, Moz Pro offers a robust SEO toolkit covering technical site audits, rich keyword research, backlink analysis, and rank tracking. Though slightly less extensive than Semrush, Moz caters well to in-house SEO teams needing an integrated platform. Those on a budget can turn to Ubersuggest by Neil Patel for its free yet surprisingly powerful keyword and site audit tools, with rank checking requiring a paid supplement.

Finally, blending free tools like Google Keyword Planner for volumes and SERP Robot for ranks provides cost-effective building blocks to match Semrush functionality piecemeal. With the variety now available, stitching specialized yet affordable tools together creates a customized suite suiting business needs as an alternative for Semrush.

While Semrush leads in keyword volume breadth, alternative tools offer unique capabilities for sophisticated keyword analysis. Ahrefs stands out with its deep backlink intelligence fueling suggestions, revealing profitable keywords competitors already rank highly for. Moz Pro leverages clickstream statistics to recommend searches with demonstrated commercial intent beyond pure volume.

Conductor contextualizes keywords within conversion funnels to quantify revenue potential and identify high-impact queries. On the predictions front, Keyword Surfer uses AI to surface emerging searches expected to trend shortly. For voice search optimization, Sayspring models spoken phrases to uncover vocal opportunities. By combining these targeted alternatives with Semrush, savvy digital marketers can build an unmatched keyword research arsenal.


In conclusion, several capable alternatives to Semrush exist to meet varying business needs and budgets even though Semrush remains the category leader in the breadth and quality of tools. From versatile platforms like Ahrefs and Moz to targeted solutions like SERP Robot and Trusona, website owners have options to find an alternative to Semrush that matches their goals. When paired together, these alternatives can even provide complete coverage rivaling what Semrush offers.

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